вівторок, 5 лютого 2013 р.

Фантастические истории о том, как Ластик (в рассказах ребят на английском языке его зовут Eraser) знакомится с Раббой, спустившейся на Землю с планеты Нибиру. Ластику очень хочется показать свою планету Раббе и рассказать о ней кое-что. Он отвечает на все вопросы гостьи и понимает, что существуют и телепатические языки, и трансформации, которых нет на нашей планете.  Есть и важное, о чём можно поговорить  телепатически. Но он хочет научить Раббу пользоваться украинским, английским и русским языками, на которых умеют говорить его три головы. Он очень этим гордится.

неділя, 3 лютого 2013 р.

How Rubba wanted to understand why the Earth is of blue colour

Rubba was asking many times one million Whys, five million Hows, and what not. She was so curious and quick that Eraser could hardly react and answer. Moreover, his three heads were always mixing the definitions, were always trying to find the best reply. That made Rubba wait and waste time. Her mathematical mind and telepathic abilities were mixing information in different languages. She needed more time to think all over. One question was bothering her most of all, and she asked it again and again. What was that? Rubba made her eyes square and... “Why is your planet blue from space?”

The British head shuddered, nodded, ”Yes, it’s blue because of a lot of butterflies. When you have butterflies in the stomach you feel blue, I know” .
The Russian head fell into a deep thought. “No, no”, it shook, “I don’t agree. It’s because of snow. Snow looks blue from above, you know” .
The Ukrainian head didn’t think much, it was sure about the blue colour of the Earth from space. It added, “It may be because of snow, moreover, when it melts, it turns into water, which we have so much in the oceans, seas and rivers. Our Planet looks blue because of the water. The World Ocean is called the Big Blue. Is it clear now.
“I see,” said Rubba telepathically. She was astonished, because her planet Nibiru was called Red. They don’t have any water, and she wanted to feel what water was. 

“What if it’s because of all of these”, her eyes open wide. Three heads came to agreement. Really, the Sun is yellow, Mars is red, but the Earth is blue. Eraser wanted to show his good knowledge, and… He started, “The Earth is neither too hot nor too cold for living things; it is just right for ice, water, vapor, and life to coexist at its surface. As far as astronomers can see, this situation is unique”. 

“Wow!” exclaimed Rubba. But Eraser didn’t pay any attention. He continued, “The Earth looks like a blue marble because white clouds swirl above blue oceans covering nearly three-quarters of its surface. 

Oceans are the largest reservoir of water on Earth, containing 97% of all the water. But it's just a thin veneer. If we made a cutaway of the Earth above, the depth of the ocean would be a line too thin to see. 

Of the thin veneer, life exists on just 0.003% of the total world water supply. Although 3% of the Earth's water exists in reservoirs outside of the ocean - in ice, the atmosphere, groundwater, lakes, rivers, and living things - very little of this water is pristine and drinkable. The remainder is too poor in quality or it's inaccessible, like water locked in polar ice or atmospheric vapor. Water is increasingly unusable because it is polluted”. Rubba was listening to his speech with great attention, her eyes flashing from time to time, as if she was trying to keep everything in her telepathic mind. Of course, that information didn’t belong to him for it was too scientific. He was so carried away by that conversation that forgot Rubba’s request. 

“Each natural reservoir of water on Earth is a temporary way station. Whether water evaporates into thin air - becomes rain and flows downstream - or is diverted by aqueducts, water is on the move. An unimaginably large but fixed number of water molecules roam the world in a perpetual cycle, connecting everyone on Earth. And the main problem arises about whether water is pure enough to use it for humans’ needs or not. They develop new technologies for desalination of the world ocean water. There are some biggest in Arab Emirates, in Britain and the USA. In many countries the problem of pure water is partially solved.

Because the water cycle is far-reaching, many water quality problems need system-wide solutions. Degraded water doesn't stay put, and water offers itself preferentially to those who live upstream. The distribution of water from place-to-place is changing due to global warming”. 

Rubba stepped aside, and Eraser lost his head! On the ground there were two footsteps turned into water! Rubba transmitted in her telepathic language, “G-l-o-b-a-l w-a-r-m-i-n-g…”Rubba concentrated on the drops of water in the shape of footsteps.

Eraser caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye. “What?” he asked. 

“Look, there’s something worrying inside the water drops. They are tiny specs, a sort of cohort with some slogans. I see they don’t agree with someone. They look like you, but very, very small. They can talk like you, they can walk like you. And they are so angry that water starts boiling.” 

“What are they talking about? Can you understand them?” 

“Sure,” Eraser heard inside him. Rubba was so excited that she forgot to use languages Eraser taught her. She transmitted information telepathically. “They want people stop polluting water. They cannot breathe. The particles of dust hurt them. There are a lot of damage and destruction around. They threaten to spoil water with the help of the army of microbes, dangerous for humans unless people stop polluting and throwing waste and litter in the rivers and seas. 
They demonstrate fearful pictures of future for humanity. They are worried especially by the chemicals leaking from the pipes. It’s illegal. People should follow the laws and act according to the laws. Otherwise people will be fined and get the punishment from the global centre of Green Law. You should arrange the authorities to cope with the situation. They should remember about their descendants, about those tiny worlds that could exist in any space. Everything is closely connected, and produces effect. Nature begins from causes and thence descends to effects.” Rubba looked so clever that Eraser started thinking of himself not so clever. They promised they will help. At that very moment Rubba wanted to start it immediately. She moved her transparent wing forward and it began buzzing.
Then a tiny thin tube started absorbing hazardous particles from the puddle in the shape of a foot. Inside the tube there were very little creatures that absorbed the hazard and turned it into pure water and let it out of the tube. The process was going so fast that Eraser could hardly follow what was going on. Rubba was pleased. She transmitted that those tiny creatures stopped worrying and started shouting, “Look! What is going on? We see the improvement of the situation!” They were happy. So little they needed! Rubba felt satisfaction too, though she did not know the sense of it. The residents of Nibiru do not have any emotions. Don’t they? Eraser was envious of Rubba, because he always wanted to have good helpful friends beside him, and he was watching those tiny creatures doing that great work for Rubba and those microscopic living beings in the water drops, which were caught in a trap, and needed their help. All is well that ends well.

The story was invented and retold by Anton Belousov. 17 years of age, School 35, 11th year at school. He has been learning English at the club “TAMRA” for 10 years. This-s-s s-s-s-t-o-r-y is true. H-i-s-s-s-s-s-s-t-o-r-y!

How Rubba wanted to know what made danger for humans and creatures on the Earth

When Eraser and Rubba returned from their travelling in the deep, she looked at Eraser with some puzzlement. She wanted to know what was dangerous around, and what the most frightening was in the surrounding environment. She noticed that Eraser was afraid of some things, trying to keep off some unknown and aggressive ones.
“Of course, there are enemies, which can do harm, but the most dangerous among all of them are tiny, microscopic microbes, which can’t be seen without magnification,” Eraser fell into a deep thought. He wanted Rubba to understand him clearly, and he continued, “There are useful microbes, which help to produce food, for example. Do you know how bread is made, what makes compost in the garden, how they turn milk into cheese? Tiny living beings, called microbes (or micro-organisms), are responsible for all of these. Microbes are too small to see with our eyes, so we have to use a microscope to look at them. Bacteria, viruses and some fungi are all microbes.
Although you may think all microbes are hazardous, and cause diseases like colds or flu, most of them are actually harmless and some are even useful.
You want to know what microbes do harm; they are those, which destroy the body and make it a place for different diseases that may cause even death. So, all kids should wash their hands before eating and should not let the microbes inside their organisms.”
Rubba asked, “How do those microbes look like?”

пʼятниця, 1 лютого 2013 р.

The microbe is so very small
You cannot make him out at all,
But many sanguine people hope

To see him through a microscope.
His jointed tongue that lies beneath
A hundred curious rows of teeth;
His never tufted tails with lots
Of lovely pink and purple spots,
On each of which a pattern stands,
Composed of forty separate bands;
His eyebrows of a tender green; 
All these have never yet been seen – 
But Scientists, who ought to know,
Assure us that they must be so….
Oh! Let us never, never doubt

What nobody is sure about!

Eraser was very proud of his knowledge as for microbes, because he recited a rhyme about a microbe, which was written by a British poet Edward Lear.

Rubba was pleased with his answer, because she was romantic and liked the rhythm of what Eraser transformed into her center of processing the information. She told him that they are not afraid of any aliens, because they have all means of protection if any danger.

Retold and created by Sophya Romanenko, 15 years of age, school №9.

The story is true, a real his-s-s-s-s-s-tory

Immerse yourself in the magic of the BigBlue

The next time, when Eraser and Rubba met, he wanted to comply with her request to feel what water was like. He wanted to show some unusual creatures living in the deep. So they needed to dive in the sea. 

Again Eraser was feeling a sort of discomfort. She was more developed. Her planet’s technologies were better.

His heads were trying to keep balance, but he failed, because water had some thicker structure than air. It was difficult to control the heads and follow one direction. He tried so much that forgot about Rubba. Then… “Where is she? Where is she?” he stopped dead. “Oh, there she is!” Rubba was looking around, peeping into all holes among corals and sea weeds. She jumped aside, leaped back or bounced off, when some marine creatures were on her way.

There were a lot of bubbles, because many swimmers were floating like in a slow film, being busy with some work of theirs. They were so different that Rubba felt at a loss. She made her eyes move separately, like those of a chameleon. When Eraser told her the word chameleon, she said, “You mean the constellation close to the South Pole?” Eraser hemmed, “No, silly, I mean the name of an animal which changes its color and can move eyes separately.” Rubba got it, and then continued examining the surrounding.

Big turtles were hurrying somewhere, making a lot of noise. They looked like water dinosaurs, and reminded of some ancient creatures. They had a talk about their way; a lot of small ones followed them. Rubba understood their language, and transmitted to Eraser that they had some problem connected with some pollution. Eraser explained that they could talk about oil slicks, which were caused by the leakage from an oil tanker. That was a very big challenge for all marine creatures in that region of the sea routes. Then they saw other creatures in the deep.

They were leaping and diving, playing over water and under water. “Who are they?” asked Rubba, “So big and happy!” “They are dolphins”, replied Eraser. Our two friends had fun travelling in the deep. 

Rubba tested water with her special tentacles and informed about high amount of bitter salty substance. She asked if humans could use that for drinking. She remembered that Eraser stressed the importance of water for humans. They drink it, they use it for cooking food, and they wash in it. Their body contains 80% of water. 

“Oh, it’s a pity, but we cannot drink sea water. We can drink only fresh water”. Everything was so new for Rubba. They did not use water from outside world; they could get liquid from any substance, because they had high technologies. They didn’t want to get out of the sea, although the amount of the air inside Eraser’s helmets was coming to an end. So, they should leave that busy world full of life seething. That was a high time to do. On their way back Rubba noticed some unusual structures.

They had antennas that were like Rubba’s, and they were testing space around. They moved their strange segmented legs and looked aggressive. Eraser explained that people catch too many crabs for food, and they become less and less in number. They are afraid of us too, and take necessary precaution. Some of them even hide in the shells and become hermits, though usually they live in colonies. Then they saw some creatures, which looked like skeletons, because their bodies were totally transparent, and moved in a funny way, doing some swaying movements.

Rubba was amazed with a lot of living beings in the deep. They cannot be described, because of great diversity. Moving upwards Eraser exclaimed, “Rubba, look, there’s my brother Delete!” Rubba didn’t understand at first, and asked, “How is it? It doesn’t have three heads,” and added in amazement, “It cannot speak three languages. What language does it speak then?” Eraser giggled, “You are so silly, if it has one head, it speaks one language, English. All know English here.” They slowed down and Eraser talked to Delete. The sea dragon complained of bad situation with coral reefs. They start dying because of pollution. Rubba heard that unknown word not for the first time, but she knew that the word was bad, had some sense of danger. 

The story was retold and created by
Boronyna Angelina and Mynyn Maxim.

The s-s-s-t-o-r-y is true h-i-s-s-t-o-r-y!

середа, 30 січня 2013 р.

How Rubba taught Eraser even not to think in bad works

Rubba and Eraser were flying, flying and flying. They got into a very busy street. The two-legged were bustling around, as if somebody was chasing them. It looked like some chaos.
Rubba saw two people doing something with their hands, moving them up, down, aside, and backward. She couldn’t understand what was going on.

Eraser saw her astonishment, even confusion, and explained, 

“They are quarrelling about something!” Rubba heard some words, which sounded unpleasant. 

“They use bad words, it’s not for ladies”, Eraser gave his reasons. Rubba reacted in an unusual way.

“A bad word can work 
Against its inventor, 
Whatever is look, 

It shows the creator. 

It makes boomerang, 

Returns the idea, 
And those, who will bang, 
Will get the insomnia”. 

Eraser said to Rubba, “What horrible words people sometimes use! They call them bad words. Rubba got into a deep thought. She was thinking for some time, then made a conclusion, “It is very bad, because speaking bad words destroys person’s aura. Rubba was amused, because there were no bad words and even bad thoughts on her planet Nibiru. She started moving swirling around, as if propelled herself. They never abused each other, and never quarrelled, because they didn’t have emotions. When she didn’t understand something, her iridescent body started changing colours, sparkling with darker shades.

That was the sign of indication that she didn’t understand something. Eraser was very pleased that Rubba didn’t like bad words, because he himself hated those words. The point was in a problem, which words should be called bad words. Eraser knew some of them.

Rubba proposed to make an experiment. She said, “You say some bad words, and I will react how bad they are!” 

Eraser agreed. He tried to remember at least some bad words, and being embarrassed, he pushed “A nerd, a jerk, a loser, stupid”, he thought very hard, but couldn’t remember more. Rubba didn’t know what he meant, because she knew the other meanings of them. Jerk is twisting, nerd she knew like a computer fan and so on… Eraser remembered that his main task was to erase bad thoughts, if any. And he promised to rubber a bad word if he hears any. Rubba agreed and changed her colour, as if she was very pleased.

The story was retold by Khoroshaylo Elizabeth

Here we go!            

WOW! H-i-s-s-s-s-s!!!     

понеділок, 28 січня 2013 р.

How Eraser and Rubba tried to understand what happiness was

Rubba and Eraser got on the cloud and flew forward to new adventures. So, they are on a quest to find out some particular things. Rubba wanted to know as much as possible about the Earth, and asked Eraser of something and anything at every turn.
“I have already known much about your planet,
Eraser, and I am inclined to like everything”, said Rubba, “but I always hear the word, which is unknown to me. Many people speak about happiness. What is that happiness?”
“Happiness is something special for each of them, you cannot touch it, it has neither colour nor smell”, replied Eraser.

Immediately after Rubba asked a new question their cloud descended and landed on a stunningly beautiful clearing, where the Sun was shining brightly, and where there were a lot of people.“Where are we, Eraser?” asked Rubba both amazingly and happily with her eyes widely open. 
“We arrived at the warmest and the most picturesque place on Earth. We are in the South.
We will get to know everything about happiness here.”
Rubba and Eraser looked back and saw that the cloud brought them to the park, where people were having a rest with their friends, families and relatives. Suddenly, a ball rolled up to them, and following it a little girl ran up to them, and said hello to aliens.
“Hi”, said the girl, “I’m called Alice, what are your names?”
The friends introduced themselves, and Rubba decided to ask Alice about the thing she was interested in.
“Alice, tell us, please, what happiness is for you.”
“Happiness…” the girl was pondering it over, “It’s when I walk with my parents and friends, when they don’t scold me, when I am allowed to do everything, and when they buy things for me. What about you?” the curious girl asked Rubba.
“I don’t know yet, but I want to know about it so much”.
The girl said goodbye to her new acquaintances,
and ran to play with her friends.

 Rubba and Eraser were walking in the park and looking at all its beauties. It was an especially warm day; wonderful floral fragrance was spread in the air. Eraser noticed something moving in the bushes. He came up, and saw a squirrel with a long, furry, red tail. It screamed with all its might.
“Don’t touch me, please, those kids are always following me, they simply don’t leave me alone. I am so tired out of it!”
 “Don’t worry, we are not going to bother you, we just want to ask you a question. Squirrel, can you answer what happiness is?” The squirrel asked with the startled look, “Are you from the book of Paul McCartney “High in the Clouds”? There they wanted to find a land Animalia, a safe place
where all animals would live in peace and harmony, without fear.

The plucky red squirrel seemed to be the best character from a favourite book which this Mama-squirrel read to her kids.
“I am happy when my kids are healthy, when we have something to eat, when we have a home, a very nice lawn, where they can have fun”, when no one can kill us because of our fur to make hats and fur-coats”.
“And yet, Eraser, I have already understood what happiness is, but I want to know more about it.”
Suddenly Eraser exclaimed, “Oops, don’t stamp!”
Rubba stopped, bewildered. She saw a strange pile of leaves, twigs and that sort, where there were a lot of bugs, crawling beside.
“What are they?” asked Rubba with amazement. “They are ants, the most hardworking insects on my planet.”Rubba and Eraser noticed an ant that was carrying a piece of a leaf, which was much bigger than the ant itself. Rubba greeted the ant and showed great interest, “Why do you need such a big leaf? It’s hard for you to carry it!”
“I help all my big family,” answered the ant,
“We build our house with these leaves. It isn’t a hard work for us to do.”
“What is happiness for you?”
“I’m happy when each of our big family has its duty and successfully fulfils it. I’m happy when enemies don’t bother us in our home. I’m happy after the rain when I can have some drops of crystal-clear nourishing water. We live in peace, that’s why I am happy”. The ant was very proud of his answers.

Rubba and Eraser went on, on and on. Something very slow was moving across their path. Eraser looked at it and screamed, “Oh, a snail!” Rubba moved forward and stared at it. The snail was a brown garden snail. It got scared and hid its body under the shelter, which was a nicely shaped shell. Eraser knocked on the shell top. “Don’t be afraid, we are not going to do any harm. We only want to ask you one question, “What is happiness?” asked Rubba.
The snail first forwarded its horns, and then slowly got its head out of the shell. “Happiness… I’m happy,” it was drawling, ”When I have time to look around, when nobody makes me hurry and I can walk slowly.” It gave a long, weary sigh. “You tire me”, it closed its eyes. 
Rubba and Eraser didn’t notice that the day had reached its close. It was getting dark. All of a sudden, they heard some noise, very close. “Don’t be afraid,” said Eraser, “It’s a very wise bird. It is a nocturnal bird. It sleeps at day time. The best thing an owl does in the daytime: snoring gently. Rubba was so much interested in it that flew up to the oak where the owl was sitting. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but I would like to know what happiness is for you.” Rubba was extremely polite talking to a wise bird. She remembered children shouting a rhyme:

“A wise old owl sat in an oak,
The more she heard, the less she spoke,
The less she spoke, the more she heard.
Follow the example of a wise old bird!”

“I cannot answer for everybody, but I am happy when I don’t feel any danger, when my babies are safe, when people don’t shoot to kill birds, when there is prey, I can follow when in need to feed, when we have a safe place to live in! It is very simple!”

Rubba and Eraser were very happy to have that day full of knowledge, and were sure that the next day was to start with new adventures. Bye for tomorrow!

The story was invented and retold by Polyna Slobodyanyuk, the second year student of Technological College, 16 years of age. She has been learning English with “TAMRA” for 3 years.
This s-s-s-t-o-r-y is a true his-s-s-t-o-r-y!